Top useful web-development sites
If you are interested in studying programming and computer science and would like to learn how to develop websites, applications and other programs, then this article will be very useful for you. We have gathered some useful web-development learning platforms for you that will help you to manage your sites better, easily master programming knowledge, improve already existing skills and expand knowledge on this topic.
- freeCodeCamp
This is a free platform that offers the user to learn the basic aspects of web-programming, starting from the academic level (basic concepts) and ending with the advanced one (complex aspects of development). The learning process includes the following steps: you read the theory, then do practical tasks, and after practice you write the code checked by their system in a special editor. You can also simultaneously communicate with other forum members if you have any questions. After the theoretical part, you will be offered a wide range of projects, examples of which can be used for creation your own programs. The results of the work should be published on the website so that others can evaluate your project.
- Codecademy
This is one of the most popular programming learning resources. The work process of this platform is very similar to the previous one. Here comes the theory first, and then practical exercises in the code editor. But there are other courses devoted to different technologies and complex paid programs that preserve information from different courses. For example, thanks to such program as Build Websites from Scratch, you will learn how to create your own websites from scratch using various modern technologies.
Here you can find various courses provided by world’s well known universities for studying various programming languages. It resembles an online university that offers a wide range of academic disciplines, including programming ones. You will learn such technologies as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular.js, Java, Python, Ruby, Swift to name just a few. This resource also allows not only to study web-development, but also to create mobile and desktop programs. Here, most courses are combined into specializations – sets of related courses. Everything is formed in a simple and accessible way.
- Modern Javascript Tutorial
As you may have guessed from the title, this resource tells about the basics of Javascript language and the corresponding web technologies. The information here is given in a structural and logical way and will be useful not only for beginners, but also for those who want to enrich their knowledge on this topic. Basically, one can learn a theory first. After learning it, the reader is offered to complete a task in order to consolidate the skills. If you have any difficulties, you can always ask other forum users to help you.
- The Оdin Project
The Odin Project is a tutorial dedicated to learning web-development and other aspects of programming that every fullstack web-developer should know. This platform has created a logical process from the best training sources. Here you will be offered to take a closer look at such languages and programming skills as HTML and CSS, Git, Javascript, Ruby and Ruby on Rails, Databases. In addition, you will learn how to develop your projects and will be able to create active communities.
- HTML Academy
If you want to master the art of programming, then you should start with such a well-known platform like HTML Academy. Here you can find a variety of online web-development courses that will lead you to various aspects of the layout designer’s work. After passing online courses, you can take part in the intensive ones. These are professional programs that teach you to make creative websites and web-applications under the control of your personal mentor. You won’t get bored!