27 November 2018

Top 5 hacker attacks in 2017

The topic of our today’s article is “Top 5 hacker attacks in 2017”. After reading, you will learn that hackers are able to get almost any information!

Hackers got the data of Delta Air Lines clients

In the fall of 2017, information about customer payments Delta Air Lines was at the disposal of hackers.

Within the period from September 26 to October 12, attackers got the access to the servers of the company that provides Delta online chat services with customers.

Delta Air Lines has promised that customers will not be responsible for fraudulent transactions in the case that the hackers were able to obtain credit card information.

Petya exploser is distributed worldwide

On Tuesday, June 27, Russian and Ukrainian companies were affected by a large-scale cyber attacks that used a modified version of the extortionate software Petya. In Russia, the enterprises Rosneft and Bashneft suffered from attacks, in Ukraine the computer network of the Cabinet of Ministers, software at the Boryspil airport, Ukrposhta, Kiev Metro, some banks, including Oschadbank, was out of order. The site of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine also stopped working.

According to the available information, mass infection began in Ukraine. The attack affected more than 80 enterprises in different countries. According to ESET, Ukraine’s enterprises suffered the most damage, Italy was second, and Israel was third. The top ten also includes Serbia, Romania, Hungary, Argentina, the Czech Republic and Germany.

The biggest leak of CIA documents

The site WikiLeaks has published the first part of leaks from the Center for Cyber ​​Intelligence of the United States CIA. Published in the framework of the Vault 7 project, the documents contained information about the hacking arsenal of the US Central Intelligence Agency and the secret base of the special services in Germany.

The project has become the largest leak of confidential documents of the intelligence service, according to WikiLeaks.

The first part of the series, Year Zero, includes more than 8.7 thousand files and documents received from the internal network of the CIA Cyber ​​Intelligence Center in Langley, Virginia.

More than $ 40 million was stolen from Eastern European banks

Within the framework of the scheme, the cybercriminals combined cyber attacks and manipulation of overdraft limits on debit cards.

Security researchers at Trustwave SpiderLabs reported a fraudulent scheme, which resulted in a total of over $ 40 million being stolen from a number of Eastern European banks. The attackers used a complex scheme that combined cyber attacks on computer networks of banks, manipulated overdraft limits for debit cards and mass withdrawals from ATMs .

According to the researchers, these attacks are a work of a well-organized international crime syndicate. During the investigation of the attacks, it turned out that the attackers had stolen from $ 3 million to $ 10 million from each bank. Nearly 5 banks in the post-Soviet countries suffered damage of more than $ 40 million.

Italian bank UniCredit and 400 thousand clients

One of the largest credit organizations in Europe, the Italian banking group UniCredit, became the object of hacker attacks in the fall of 2016 and this summer. The attacks affected about 400 thousand bank customers, reports Reuters.

According to the bank, for the first time unauthorized entry into the computer system of financial organization occurred in September and October 2016, a second attack was carried out in June and July 2017.


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